People responding to criminal charges need the assistance and advocacy of a criminal defense attorney. Their entire future may depend on the outcome of the criminal case. Defendants generally try to hire lawyers who have a track record of success and who are familiar...
Ineffective Assistance of Counsel
3 common reasons that people qualify for post-conviction appeals
Only a small percentage of those facing criminal charges attempt to mount a defense via a criminal trial. Those who do are usually quite passionate about proving that they did not violate the law. Unfortunately, criminal trials don't always go the way that a defendant...
Did an overworked defense attorney fail to advocate for you?
Anyone accused of a criminal offense in theory has the right to legal representation. However, not every lawyer will provide the same caliber of legal support. Often, criminal defendants have an uphill battle in the court system, especially if their attorney juggles...
3 hallmarks of an effective attorney
When you have to defend yourself against charges, it’s important that you have the right team on your side. An effective attorney can make a big difference between facing harsh penalties and having charges dropped or altered in a way that could benefit you. What makes...
The basics on ineffective assistance of counsel
If you are on trial accused of committing a crime, the worst outcome you could face is being convicted guilty of the charges against you. You depended on your attorneys to represent your interests, and while most attorneys will meet this duty there are some that will...
What is ineffective assistance of counsel?
This post is written in a time of turmoil and uprising. In this year alone, 661 people have been shot and killed by the police. Even though George Floyd gained the most media exposure, it is important to note that several innocent individuals were shot subsequent to...