Dedicated Texas Criminal Defender

Experienced Legal Counsel Is Essential For Defense Against Drug Charges

If so, my office has experience in such cases. Most of my clients have jobs, careers, and families and can’t afford to be incarcerated for any period of time. If you’re ready to fight for your freedom, I’ll work for you. I am board certified in criminal law by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization. No matter how serious you think your case is, I, attorney Paul Morgan, may have numerous solutions available for you.

As a drug charge defense lawyer in Houston, I’ve successfully defended individuals arrested for various drug offenses, which include those related to meth, cocaine, marijuana, heroin, crack and cases involving the delivery and manufacture of a controlled substance.

If you’re looking for a way to fight back against drug charges, call my office to schedule a time to take part in an evaluation of your case at no charge. I provide initial consultations and excellent legal representation to all of my clients. Considering the nature of how evidence is handled in many Houston dope cases, prosecutors may not have enough evidence to surpass the standard of reasonable doubt. If this is the case, then the expectation of a favorable resolution is warranted. Learn the truth about your legal options. My phone number is 281-346-4351.

Fighting Dope Cases

A Competent Defense Lawyer Can Make A Difference

Fighting drug cases is a complex undertaking. You will need a lawyer who has a thorough understanding of the Fourth Amendment law (search and seizure), forensic chemistry and that’s on solid grounds with regard to evidence and criminal procedure.

Crafting a defense strategy for a drug case takes time and dedication. Your evidence may be subject to suppression and if they are fruits of an illegal search, it is also possible that the evidence in your case was tested with junk science.

Learn More

Drug Offenses And Texas Law Cocaine Possession

Cocaine possession cases are always felony offenses in Texas. Learn more about the offense and the law.

Learn more about the law regarding marijuana in the state of Texas. Contact us for help.

Meth Cases

My office provides excellent legal defense services for people arrested for meth possession.

Manufacture And Delivery

Accused of selling or delivering a controlled substance? My office can and will help you.

Drug Conspiracy Cases

Information related to federal drug conspiracy cases. Our office helps with these cases as well.

Heroin Possession

Information related to heroin possession and Texas law. Have questions? Contact Paul Morgan Law Office, PLLC.

Get The Help You Need By Contacting Paul Morgan Law Office, PLLC

If you want a thorough review of your case, I can do that for you. If there is a defense to your case, we will fight for your liberty. I’m attorney Paul Morgan, an experienced defense lawyer in Houston that’s focused on defending people charged with felonies in Harris County.

If you need to talk with me, call my office at 281-346-4351 or email the firm to schedule a initial consultation.